Clematis Hobby Book
This Clematis Hobby Book is meant to offer a collection of different hobbies for you to learn about and explore. This book will act like speed dating for hobbies and will offer you ten different hobbies to look at and try out. The ten hobbies in this book are meant to be a way for you to learn, try new things, and to keep yourself busy during this COVID-19 pandemic. Each hobby will explain what it is, what some of its benefits include, and why it might be a good time to try it during the pandemic. Also included in this book will be a list of materials, an estimated cost, an estimated time spend, and links to some tutorials for you to follow along with. At the beginning of this book will also be a “Hobby Time Key” which categorizes each hobby by the amount of prep-time it might need to get started. Overall, this book tries to offer a fun and entertaining way for you to try out some new things and to see how you would like them.
At the end of each hobby information page there will be a “Try it out” section for documenting anything about you following along with the hobby and trying it for yourself. On these pages you can feel free to document or journal anything about your experience that you would like. This is meant to be a fun and creative way to document your experience with the hobby and will allow you to see if the hobby is right for you.